Hello Everyone,

Did you ever have a week where you had everything carefully planned out and actually got none of what you planned done??  This was one of those weeks.  Although, I it was a productive week and I was able to accomplish many things, one of the main things that was on the agenda did not get accomplished.... writing my new patterns!  Alas, that will happen this coming week.

Part of the reason it did not happen was because I had a very Epic delivery was made to my house!  Yup the box above was delivered.... 

Any guesses what it could be?  Let me tell you it was the most excited that I have been over a delivery!  The UPS man was amused.  So I did a little "unboxing" video here...

Well I cannot tell you how happy I am that Viking/Husqvarna has partnered with me to be a Brand Ambassador.  I bought my first Viking in 1995 and now currently own 4 Viking Sewing Machines.  They are truly the best and have provided me with years of wonderful projects. 

I am so happy to now have the Viking Epic to play with and learn all sorts of new things.  After unboxing, I spent a considerable amount of time reading the manual, so I didn't get to play with it right away.  But yesterday, I played a little. 

I began a small project with my Fresh Pick'ins Fabric collection from Island Batik and can't begin to tell you how much I loved just sewing this small project on the Epic.  It sewed so smoothly, hummed right along.  The machine is fully computerized and so intuitive to use.  It even has built in video tutorials!! You can watch the tutorial as you are actually doing it!!! Amazing right?? 

My head is already swimming with ideas and things that I want to make with the Epic!  How fun this will be!   As for the project, you will see a tutorial on it on my Watch Me Wednesday coming up on August 9, 2017 on my Canton Village Quilt Works Facebook page!  Tune in at 1:30 MST  Live... and there might be a giveaway too!

I hope you join me on Watch Me Wednesday... Yup... you get to see this face then... 

Any who.... I wanted to share my excitement with you and I hope you will enjoy over this new chapter in my career.... lots of new designs being made with my Epic!

Until Next Time...

Jackie Kunkel
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Meet Jackie

Jackie Kunkel

I am a quilter, online quilt shop owner, Nationally Certified Judy Niemeyer Instructor and Certified Shop, designer, author, podcaster, mother, and wife. I have been quilting since 1993 years and in business since August, 2000. I love networking and having fun doing anything quilty! Learn More…

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