Hello Everyone,

Yesterday I was working in my studio and looked out the window into my back yard and saw a little bandit digging in the yard!! Well this little critter was not so little. I had fun watching this guy, as did my kitty Pavi.

When the raccoon was all done foraging he decided to climb a tree for a little snooze, so I was able to get some photos.

The perfect spot in the crook of the tree, cleaning his little paw.

Zooming out for some perspective.

Even further.

See the big tree in the middle, that is the tree he was in and I took the photos through the window and the screen. Not too bad. I had a great time watching him. But alas, he did not hang around all day.

One thing that I had always heard was that raccoons out during the day are rabid. But I contacted Animal Control and they said that is not necessarily true. In this case, he was just looking for food. Cute to watch and I just love the bandit look!

Please stop by here and read my newest blog post. I would love for you to say hello!

***Today is the LAST day of the batik sale!! They are only $7.50 per yard, click here to start shopping.***

Until Next Time...
Jackie Kunkel
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Meet Jackie

Jackie Kunkel

I am a quilter, online quilt shop owner, Nationally Certified Judy Niemeyer Instructor and Certified Shop, designer, author, podcaster, mother, and wife. I have been quilting since 1993 years and in business since August, 2000. I love networking and having fun doing anything quilty! Learn More…

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