Hello Everyone,

Two weekends ago I had the opportunity to teach in my own studio!  Yup, no traveling!  I was happy to be at home and teach a phenomenal group of ladies, who did some of the most awesome work.  

This class is so fun to teach as the wall hanging is really a great size to hang anywhere in the house. Some of the advantages of this pattern and class too is that you learn multiple techniques in just a few days.  Curved piecing, floating points, inserting a flange, pieced borders, and of course the Judy Niemeyer way of paper piecing.

Let's take a little look inside my studio and at the student's work...

Pink and green to start with in batiks.  And in the end in Kaffes... stay with the blog post...

Beautiful earthy tones with at pop of red!

Work area.  Take note of the color swatch chart.  This is a must for Judy Niemeyer patterns.  But it really helps you in checking along the way.

A fabulous patriotic version, and tribute!

Love this!  And that inspiration fabric is just the best to bring it all together.

A very cool blue batik version.

50 shades of gray? Wait no... purple!

Shockingly lime!  I love it, the brighter the better.

This one was very Art Deco, at least to me!   Very, very cool!

This version, has a bit of Christmas elegance to it, don't you think?

Ahhhh.... The Caribbean on the design wall.  Just gorgeous!

Two Golden Harvests collide.  Neutral and bright love them both.

The students in action in the studio.  This is one of my favorite things the hustle of the and bustle of the machines, the students, the irons, everything!

Here is the pink at the end in Kaffes.  This is my quilt and it is finally quilted. All the versions that you saw above will finish looking like this.  Except they won't be pink.... LOL!

So which did you like the best?  They are all wonderful and all different too!

If you want to give this a try, you can purchase the pattern by clicking here.

If you would like to take this class with me, I will be teaching this on two sides of the country!  I will be teaching it in Arizona and New York!  If you want to take this with me in Arizona in November... quick there are only a few spots left, click here for all the info and to register.  If you would like to take it with me in New York, click here for all the information!

Until Next Time...

Jackie Kunkel
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Meet Jackie

Jackie Kunkel

I am a quilter, online quilt shop owner, Nationally Certified Judy Niemeyer Instructor and Certified Shop, designer, author, podcaster, mother, and wife. I have been quilting since 1993 years and in business since August, 2000. I love networking and having fun doing anything quilty! Learn More…

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