Hello Everyone,
As you know I have been very busy finishing customer quilts. Well, guess what? I am done, at least until after the new year. So now Christmas can finally begin for me and my family! I do have to say that throughout 2008 I saw some beautiful quilts pass through my doors. All my customers give me so much inspiration. I am thankful that each and everyone of them give me the opportunity to make their tops into quilts! Thank you all and keep them coming in 2009!
So I did mention something about a finish. Well last November, 2007 I had completed 2 quilt tops. You can see and read about them in my post here. I finally quilted and bound the first one and gave it to my girlfriend's daughter last week...
She was quick to tell me it looked like a page out of the PB Teen catalog. You know what she is right. I have followed up with my friend and she has been making her bed everyday now and just got her license on Thursday. I guess having a nice quilt can inspire any teen to make their bed. So go out and make one for a teen.
Lastly, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who responded to my last post in the comments or via e-mail and asked for the pillowcase pattern. I am overwhelmed. The kids from the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp are going to be thrilled. I am receiving pillowcases and fabric to make the cases from all over the world!! You are all very kind hearted and generous, THANK YOU!!
My next post is 99, so be on the look out for something special!