Hello Everyone,

Thank you to all who entered the giveaway for naming the quilt pictured below.  I still haven't decided on the name yet, but it will be soon and then I will announce the winners!

Yesterday was a picture perfect day and I needed to do a photo shoot of all my Judy Niemeyer quilts.  I wanted to get good photos for the guilds, groups and shops that would like me to come to lecture, do a trunk show or a workshop.  

Taking the quilts outside in the daylight really gives them better lighting to show the true colors and I get much better photos.  But there were a few little things from the photo shoot that I wanted to share...

A crooked photo that was an accident.

I had a critic watching me... see in the lower right corner.  He was making sure that everything was okay. 

How could I resist that face??

I think towards the end of the photo shoot, he was getting just a whee bit bored. It looks like he might have found the bugs and critters more fun to watch.

For those of you who are wondering, I use these drapery clips to hold the quilts up on the quilt stand.  They work like a charm.  Then once I had all the photos done, I edit them and crop all the extraneous things out of the photos.  

So now I have a photo like this.  Not too bad. But just remember, I took close to 80 photos.  Multiples of each quilt and then edited each photo and chose only one of each quilt.  It is a process, but worth it.

Today is the day that our oldest graduates High School!! We are going to have a very festive weekend! Stay tuned.

Until Next Time...
Jackie Kunkel
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Meet Jackie

Jackie Kunkel

I am a quilter, online quilt shop owner, Nationally Certified Judy Niemeyer Instructor and Certified Shop, designer, author, podcaster, mother, and wife. I have been quilting since 1993 years and in business since August, 2000. I love networking and having fun doing anything quilty! Learn More…

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