Hello Everyone,

That is right, I have about 1000 projects going all at one time and I just had to add one more.  But, doesn't this ever happen to you?  You see something that sparks an idea and then you can't get your mind off of it, you just keep thinking about it, and thinking, and thinking... until you just give in and start pulling fabrics.

That is what happened to me a few days ago until yesterday when I couldn't take it any more and just started going through fabrics having way too much fun!

I pulled some Kaffe's and some batiks and this is the palette that became the fruits of my labor.  If you have been following me for any time now, you know I adore pinks and greens.  Plus, I threw a few purples in there too for good measure.

Do you like?? I do and can't wait to get started.  Unfortunately, it may not be for a while as I have a few deadlines in front of this project.  So stay tuned!

Also, yesterday I did some work.  I was adding some brand new fabrics to the online shop and look what I had to contend with...

He just couldn't help himself, he wanted some tender loving care and he knows I will give it to him!  I did get a bunch of work done though so all was not lost.

PS.  Don't forget the SALE that is going on in the shop - Everything is 15% off if you use the code  
but only through midnight on the 26th!

Until Next Time...
Jackie Kunkel
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Meet Jackie

Jackie Kunkel

I am a quilter, online quilt shop owner, Nationally Certified Judy Niemeyer Instructor and Certified Shop, designer, author, podcaster, mother, and wife. I have been quilting since 1993 years and in business since August, 2000. I love networking and having fun doing anything quilty! Learn More…

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