Hello Everyone,
Yesterday was a bit of a slow day for sewing for me. I spent most of the day clothes shopping with my daughter for her new summer job! Very, very excited for her!!
Anyway, before she woke up I filled orders from my online shop and then I was able to only piece two stars together.
Here is the large star.
Here is the little star.
The back of the large. The last seam I press open. However, you can also do a little "tweak" in the middle and spin the seams. But on this star, I prefer to open the seams as it lays a little flatter for me.
But before I can sew the stars together, I must remove the paper from each unit. Each star has 8 units like the one above. Then sew them together in pairs to join.
And this is the result! A little and a big! Cute aren't they?
Stay tuned for more... I hope to get a few done tomorrow.
Until Next Time....