Hello Everyone,
You probably don't know that most of last year, I was looking to upgrade my camera. I love my camera, but just needed something a little more. So I had told the hubs about it and showed him the camera that I was looking at, and guess what? He got it for me for Christmas!!
I am so thrilled with both the camera and the hubs. I love it and an have been having fun playing with it. Lots of great features for tons of great pictures.
In fact in my last post "Signs of Progress" those were some of the first pictures that I took with this camera. Before I purchase anything, I am one of those people who does a ton of research. I found this sight for photography, called Digital Photography School, that I just love and they had a specific post dedicated to the review of this camera. Very, Very helpful!
Tons of photography tips. If you really want to learn how to take better photos, you must check out this site!! I am thinking of selling my older camera too. If I do, I will post about it, if anyone is interested.
PS. Don't forget only 2 days left for my online fabric sale and giveaway. Use the code new2010 for the 20% off.