Hello Everyone,

This weekend I was working on a project that required me to make strip sets. While doing this, I instinctively pressed the seams open. But then I thought, "Wow, this is a great topic for the blog!"

So here goes...

Here is what my seams look like pressed open. They lay very flat and there is no worrying about a dark or light side.

I am sure you are wondering why I press them open. If you recall this quilt that I made last year, it is modeled after a quilt pattern from Bill Kerr And Weeks Ringle. There are tons of strip sets.

When I was at Fall Quilt Market 2010, I went to a lecture with Bill Kerr and he spoke about this very subject. Here are a few things that he said:

1. The quilt top will lay flatter than if pressed to one side.
2. This helps in alleviating any of the wonkiness or distortion that you may get when pressing to one side with a strip set.
3. It is easier to quilt through, hand or machine.

In using this technique, I have found all to be true. However, that doesn't mean that I don't ever press seams to one side. In fact, that is what I do most of the time, with this as an exception.

Now, I am not saying that this is the right way to do it, but for me it works. It would be great to hear from some of you who use this technique and hear your thoughts. If you currently don't use this technique, give it a go and let me know your thoughts. If it doesn't work for you, that is okay, you need to do what works best for you.

Until Next Time...
Jackie Kunkel
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Meet Jackie

Jackie Kunkel

I am a quilter, online quilt shop owner, Nationally Certified Judy Niemeyer Instructor and Certified Shop, designer, author, podcaster, mother, and wife. I have been quilting since 1993 years and in business since August, 2000. I love networking and having fun doing anything quilty! Learn More…

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