Hello Everyone,
On the third day of the retreat there was tons of progress made by everyone. I would like to share with you some of the photos.
Shirley our Masseuse, (yes we could have a massage every day if we wanted), is also a quilter and she brought this quilt that she designed and made all from her scraps. Gorgeous!!
This is the back side! She is also dressed very colorful like her quilt.
Deb our fearless leader and retreat coordinator.
Justine did a little twisting.
Lorraine finished her gorgeous top!
Pam is almost done with A Touch of Spring. It is just gorgeous too!
Justine has been so productive. More paper piecing and a little farmhouse.
Janet completed a sampler.
Charlotte finished this beautiful star quilt.
Well, Barb and Sharon have been here for three days and all they completed were these blocks, but they ate very well..... LOL!!
Deb has a quadrant of her Pepper Dish complete, love the hot colors.
Me, well here is a pile of bright spikey units just like I like them.
Laura completed this beautiful baby braid quilt!
So far we have all been quite productive and have eaten and sewn our way through this retreat. Tomorrow the BIG show and tell!!
Off to breakfast and more sewing...