Hello Everyone,
I hope that you are not getting tired of seeing my most recent Judy Niemeyer projects. But this is the last one for a while. The last time I shared this one with you, I had just finished it at my quilting retreat. You can see the post by clicking here.
But I still needed to remove all the paper. That is now complete. Now to quilt it and get it on my table. But for the time being, I took it outside on a hot day photo shoot!
Love all those wonderful spikes. I made it totally from batiks that will go just perfectly in my kitchen.
Had to do the wall and flower shot.
Here is the whole thing. This is Judy Niemeyer's Seasonal Table Runner and the pattern can be found in my shop by clicking here. More patterns are due in this week!
I hope you have enjoyed my little mini paper piecing series!
Until Next Time...