Hello Everyone,

Yep, that is Boston! If you are curious where the reference to dirty water comes from, it is a song from the 1960s you can click here to read more.

We visited one of our favorite cities on Saturday and I selected a few photos for a tour of Boston.

Our day started here...

The Samuel Adams Brewery. Yes, bright and early at 11:00 they give you beer samples. However, I am not a drinker, so I did not partake but found the tour interesting. The hubs enjoyed his samples.

This is a photo of hops and a dark barley that goes into the beer. We got to taste the various types of barley, they tasted strangely similar to Grape Nuts. The hops however, is not edible, but was aromatic.

On the way to and from the brewery, we passed this art studio that made sculptures from iron and metal. This guy was quite pensive.

Then there was this gang on the side of the building. I found these sculptures quite clever and amusing.

It was a warm day and we passed this area where children were running through this wonderful area were water was synchronized and came through holes in the walkway. Fun to hear the screams of glee when the water popped up out of the ground!

A little quilty inspiration on the wharf. A Mariner's Compass to guide you in your travels.

My eldest and I on the wharf.

A duck doing some preening.

In the North End of Boston, an Italian festival. This is my heritage and I always feel quite at home around food and fun.

At the Copp's Hill Burying ground. I always find it interesting to walk through here and learn something new about the history every time. It was founded in 1659 and the two oldest stones are 1661 and 1678.

Then onto the Bunker Hill Monument. We did not climb up to the top this top this time, too hot!

But we were treated to a real musket firing. These were the weapons that were used in the battle of Bunker Hill. Very interesting, but also very ineffective. The soldiers really had to be close enough that they could see the whites of each other's eyes. Yup, that's right, that close!

Hope you enjoyed my tour of Boston. It was a fun day and quite exhausting too.

Shop Notes: All Batiks are on sale this week for $8.00 per yard! Just click here to see what is in stock!

Until Next Time...
Jackie Kunkel
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Meet Jackie

Jackie Kunkel

I am a quilter, online quilt shop owner, Nationally Certified Judy Niemeyer Instructor and Certified Shop, designer, author, podcaster, mother, and wife. I have been quilting since 1993 years and in business since August, 2000. I love networking and having fun doing anything quilty! Learn More…

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