Hello Everyone,
Yesterday was Wind It Up Wednesday at my classroom studio. I have photos of what the other ladies were working on and will show them tomorrow. However, I wanted to share with you what I am working on right now.
It is no secret that I love Australian Aboriginal fabrics. The designs, color, and feel are just wonderful to the eye and to the touch. So much that you can do the possibilities are endless.
I started by cutting up strips.
Arranging them in pleasing orders. Yes, that is some African fabrics that you see in the back of the photo. I love them too!
The piles of prettiness are always inspiring to me and they were to the ladies that were with me yesterday.
Some simple designing, coupled with a....
speedy sewing machine, makes for a design that you will be seeing soon in an upcoming Quilt Magazine. So stay tuned for the final glorious design.
If you would like some Australian fabrics you can click here, or if you prefer African you can click here. But I will warn you they are addicting.
Until Next Time...